Category Archives: Topical

Luke 1:1-4

Knowing for certain


Luke writes about the life and ministry of Jesus of Nazareth. The book is one of the gospels and helps to open the pages of the New Testament. Luke writes in such a way that while the reader is made aware that there is a backstory to this book, it stands alone as the story of how God brought salvation to mankind.

Luke writes about a time in history which did not go unnoticed by many (see Luke 24:18). It was a period in Israel’s history, about 400 years after the final words of the Old Testament were penned. Although the Jews had returned from Exile, they were currently under the reign of Rome rather than having a Jew for their king. Centuries have passed without a word from Yahweh. Then Jesus came.



  • 1:1 Many have written about…
  • 1:2 Just as some had seen…
  • 1:3 I too decided to write…
  • 1:4 So that you may know…

1:1 Many have written about…

Many have undertaken to draw up an account of the things that have been fulfilled among us

Paraphrase: a stack of researchers have attempted to collate the events surrounding [God] fulfilling his word in our time

We don’t know who Luke has in mind when he says ‘many’ nor whether this includes or excludes Matthew, Mark and John. Luke’s overall point in this paragraph is not to put anybody else down but to express his personal intend and qualification.

As to the things fulfilled among us, it is curious that he doesn’t simply say, ‘an account of Jesus Christ the LORD’ similar to Mark’s opening verse. Although the subject of his book obviously centres on Jesus, he emphasises the fulfillment that has taken place ‘among us’. In other words, things have happened in Luke’s modern history which are well worth telling and preserving because they are fulfilling God’s word. That it is God’s word fulfilled may be implied by the end of the second verse.

The things that have happened in Luke’s history are not small things and they have drawn the attention of many researchers and writers and believers. This is no small statement. Luke is not creating an obscure view of history but is marching with many who have heard what happened. Something big has occurred in history and a stack of people are writing about it.

1:2 Just as some had seen…

just as they were handed down to us by those who from the first were eyewitnesses and servants of the word

Paraphrase: in the same way, those who saw it unfold with their own eyes passed on what they knew to be [from God]

Not only are people writing about these things but it is widely known and spoken about. Luke is referring to news that he can trace back to eyewitnesses. This is like reporting on the events of 9/11.

Servants of the word’ could refer to the disciples who were servants of Jesus, known as the Word. This, however, is unlikely as there’s no evidence of anyone referring to Jesus as The Word other than John’s opening statements in his gospel account. More likely is that the eyewitnesses are also believers in God and his word. The promises of God have been fulfilled in the first century. Those who saw it and also believe (as opposed to those who refused to believe even though they too saw) were spreading the stories of what they saw.

1:3 I too decided to write

With this in mind, since I myself have carefully investigated everything from the beginning, I too decided to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus

Paraphrase: So, since I’ve researched all this carefully and thoroughly, I’ve made up my mind to write one volume on this whole matter, Theophilus

With this in mind – this too is interesting. Why should it matter whether others are attempting to write an account of the events or not? What is Luke driving at? Surely it is that Luke seeks to testify to the truth, just as the eyewitnesses and many others are doing so. He doesn’t wish to disagree with the other researchers. He doesn’t wish to rewrite history but to do what others are doing, and yet, do it with the expertise and access to the truth that he has been privileged to receive.

Luke’s work is not sloppy, according to him, and he has in mind to write his account with the highest audience in mind. Whoever Theophilus is, he is regarded by Luke to be most excellent! It is possible that Theophilus never existed as a unique person but represented all those who love (phili) God (theos) and Luke wrote in this way to disguise protect his audience from persecution. This is speculative and it is equally possible that Theophilus was a real person. The phrase ‘most excellent’ is a way of referring to someone of importance (eg, Acts 24:3; 26:25).

Luke’s ‘orderly account’ is not to be pushed to mean ‘chronologically perfect’ but simply that his material has been gathered and presented in an orderly and thought through manner. It is quite clear that Luke wrote both Luke and Acts and that these ought to be viewed as two volumes of the same research. This strengthens the idea that Luke is researching the events that have happened among his audience rather than simply writing a history of Jesus.

1:4 so that you may know…

so that you may know the certainty of the things you have been taught.

Paraphrase: My aim in this is to give you assurance of the facts which support what you have already learned. All that you have heard about Jesus is true – all of it!

‘So that’ is like ‘in order that’. This is his aim! We can all underline this verse in our bibles to get the idea of what Luke wants his readers to ‘get’. Interestingly, he is not writing with the aim to prove something, like John is (see John 20:31). No, Luke is giving the supporting and researched evidence for all that Theophilus has already known and been taught. There is a fine line between these two ambitions.

The bottom line, though, is that Luke desires to preserve the facts and to preserve them in such a way that they are ordered and useful for the faith of those who read it.


Luke is determined to put together a well researched paper concerning the fulfillment of God’s word which has happened in his own history. He aims to give us an account that we can trust since it agrees with all the eyewitnesses and multitude of accounts floating around at the time. Something big has happened in the world and Luke aims to preserve it for all to ready and be assured of its accuracy.


  • Being assured of the evidence behind the Christian faith.
  • Being assured of the dignity of the bible.
  • Being assured that God fulfills his word.

Prayer of the Week

Father, thank you for giving us your word and a multitude of witnesses to your word being fulfilled. Help us in our unbelief to know the certainty of the things that we have been taught. Bless us through these studies so that we may love you more and see your promises clearly. Amen.

The Spirit and Gifts

Next Level Blessings?


When the Apostle Paul wrote to the church in Rome, he desired to give them some spiritual gift when and if he visited them in order to make them strong (Romans 1:11). In 1 Corinthians chapters 12 to 14 he speaks about gifts of the Spirit. In our study, we will try and bring some clarity to what these gifts were and what we ought to desire from God. Are Christians promised to receive more through the Spirit if they seek it? What is the difference between being gifted (talented) and having a Spiritual gift? We will not exhaust this topic but our aim will be to find truth from God’s word so that we may share his desires and vision for Christians and the church.


Romans 1:11-12 is the only occurrence of the phrase “spiritual gift” in the bible! And clearly it means mutual encouragement in the faith. Many translate 1 Corinthians 1:7 with “spiritual gifts” and yet the word “spiritual” is not in the original Greek but placed there for context.

Paul wants to visit the church in Rome to share his faith with them and hear about their faith and he calls that a spiritual gift. The word gift is to be aligned with the word grace and spiritual is from out of this world. Not a bad way to describe mutual edification.

1 Corinthians 1:4-9 – ‘lack no spiritual gift’ is actually a mistranslation since it only refers to ‘gift’ – probably refers to the knowledge and speech of verse 5 but stems from the grace given in verse 4. Aside from the word ‘spiritual’ asserted into this paragraph, Paul is thanking God for gifting the church with speech (‘logos’ which means words) and knowledge which confirm the gospel of Christ. The gift is about words of faith.

So, the only places where ‘spiritual gifts’ are mentioned both refer to gospel words for building up and strengthening in the faith. The next place to look is where gifts are clearly associated with coming from the Spirit and it covers three chapters written to a church being rebuked for many things.

1 Corinthians 12-14 speak of gifts that are given by the Spirit. Paul makes a couple of points clear:

(1) if it is a gift of the Spirit of God then it will affirm that Jesus is Lord (1Cor12:3). And the gifts will not promote any other Spirit or other God or other Lord (1Cor12:4-6)

(2) That the gifts of the Spirit are for the benefit of the church and not for self (1Cor12:7).

(3) Though there are many gifts, there is one Spirit and one body – not many parts but one body. Unity is key. No matter what gift you have and exercise, the whole body is needed. (1Cor12:8-31 esp verses 11, 14, 20, 26)

(4) that the greatest gift is love! (2Cor12:31-13:13 esp verses 12:31, 13:13)

(5) That it is far better to speak recognisable sounds than unrecognisable ones (1Cor14:1-19 esp verse 19).

(6) gifts do not take over a person but the person is in control (14:12).

(7) What is required in the body is order and peace and understanding so that all may be built up and enquirers be able to repent because of the gospel (1Cor14:20-39 esp verses 28, 39)

Here are the four places in the New Testament which clearly list gifts (charismata). This is taken from a work by Ronald Y.K. Fung and republished in ‘Spirit of the Living God: Part One’ edited by B.G. Webb.

The numbers to the left of the gifts are aimed at numbering and categorising the gifts into 17 areas. The aim in presenting this is not to show the extent of the gifts since lists in the bible are not aimed at being exhaustive but rather to show where the emphasis lies. The order of each column is as appears in each text.

1 Corinthians 12:8-10 1 Corinthians 12:28-30 Romans 12:6-8 Ephesians 4:11
3b word of wisdom

3c word of knowledge

10 faith

5 gifts of healing

4 workings of miracles

2 prophecy

11 discerning of spirits

8 various kinds of tongues

9 interpretation of tongues

1 apostles

2 prophets

3a teachers

4 workers of miracles

5 gifts of healing

6 helpers

7 administrators

8 various kinds of tongues

9 interpreters

2 prophecy

12 service

3a he who teaches

13 he who exhorts

14 he who contributes

15 he who gives aid

16 he who shows mercy

1 apostles

2 prophets

17 evangelists

3a [7b] pastors and teachers


Four criteria to hold against claims to spiritual gifts as concluded in Chambers, Neil, ‘Spiritual Gifts’ from ‘Spirit of the Living God: Part One’ ed B.G. Webb, Lancer Books, 1991, p141.

  1. Is this person a Christian, as testified to by his or her testimony to Christ as Lord? (1 Corinthians 12:3)
  2. For what purpose is this activity practiced? Is it for congregational edification? (1 Corinthians 12:7)
  3. What, in our circumstances, is best for the edification of the congregation? One could imagine a situation where, although the person was a Christian whose intent was to edify, the expression of his or her gift may at that time not facilitate the edification of the congregation. (1 Corinthians 14:26-28)
  4. How is this gift practised? Is it exercised in love? (1 Corinthians 13:8-13)


When it comes to gifts of the Spirit, we must not jump to fanciful conclusions about them but we must always look at the context of the New Testament writings about them. Firstly, they are called gifts because they are manifestations of God’s grace. Secondly, they are for building up the church. Thirdly, they proclaim Jesus as Lord and are to serve him. Fourthly, they work together as individual parts for the benefit of the whole. Fifthly, there is reason and self-control involved in the gifts – not nonsense, chaos nor out-of-control. Sixthly, any gift must be exercised in faith, humility and obedience. Lastly, love trumps.


  • What talents do you have which could be exercised for the building up of others in the faith? Discuss what you think your gifts may be and encourage others with what you have observed as their gifts. How might you exercise those gifts for the building up of the body of Christ?
  • How would you respond to someone who claims to have a spiritual gift? What if the gift was healing, prophecy or tongues? Use what we’ve read in the New Testament to shape your response.

Prayer of the Week

Lord God, we thank you for your Spirit and your generosity toward us. Help your church to grow in love and obedience to your word. Awaken our desire to serve one another in order to bring glory to you and build one another up in love. Amen.

The Spirit and Growth

Galatians 5:16-25

Memory verse: “The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.” Galatians 5:22-23


The gospel message must include information about the Holy Spirit. Remember that Jesus told Nicodemus, a Jewish expert in the law, that he needed to be born again of water and the Spirit if he wanted to enter the kingdom of God (John 3:5)? Nothing that this Pharisee had done in all his life was enough to bring him to the kingdom. Only the work of the Spirit could do that. Jesus then said that only those who believe (in the Son) may have eternal life (John 3:15). So, the work of the Spirit is to open the eyes of people to see Jesus as King and Saviour, and that believing, they can have eternal life. The Holy Spirit kicks off the Christian life.

In our previous two sermons (God willing) we have heard who the Holy Spirit is (God) and that the Holy Spirit is the giver of life. In today’s study we will use Galatians 5:16-26 to examine the Spirit’s work in our Christian growth.

The New Testament book of Galatians is a letter by Paul the Apostle to the Christian church in Galatia who, having received the gospel of Jesus Christ, were apparently returning to old religious practices (Galatians 6:12) – observing special religious days and seasons (Galatians 4:10-11) and reintroducing circumcision (Galatians 5:12). Paul is worried for them that they will forfeit their eternal life because of false teachers who try to persuade them to return to observing the law. In Galatians 5, he explains how living free from the law does not equal free from holiness since Christians walk in step with the Spirit of God.



  • 16-18 The Spirit and the Flesh are in conflict
  • 19-21 The Fruit of the Flesh are…
  • 22-25 The Fruit of the Spirit is…

16-18 The Spirit and the Flesh are in conflict.

“…walk by the Spirit…” It is clear from Galatians 3:2-5 that the Spirit mentioned in comparison to the flesh refers to the Spirit of God (Galatians 3:5) rather than the spirit of a person. We are not simply being told to live the way your own spirit drives you but to live and act influenced by the Spirit of God.

“…desires of the flesh.” It is more likely that the whims and passions of the human spirit is aligned with this word ‘flesh’. “‘Flesh’ describes humans in their opposite-ness to God in their opposition to God. It’s talking about people who haven’t been born again by the Spirit.” (Petty, S. Little Black Books: The Holy Spirit, Matthias Media, 2012, p55). This simple definition matches the statement by Paul that the Spirit and the flesh are in conflict. If the flesh were simply our bodies, then the Spirit of God would not dwell in us. The word is still useful since it picks up the passions and desires that seem to go hand-in-hand with a physical body such as sexual immorality and drunkenness – even hatred feels like a fire brewing in the flesh!

“…desires what is contrary…” Both the Spirit and the flesh desire or strive or are passionate for something and both desire what the other hates. To listen to one is to ignore or disobey the other. “They are in conflict with each other.”

“…you are not to do whatever you want.” This must not be confused with having to do what you don’t want – like living in the Spirit will always go against our wants. Paul has stated clearly that the Spirit and the flesh are in conflict and so we must choose which way to go. Doing whatever you want will often be in sync with the flesh while at times, we may make a choice which happens to work fine for the Spirit. What Paul is saying, however, is that we must choose to listen and obey the Spirit of God. That is what we need to want.

“…if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law.” Again, this is not to be confused with abandoning the law outright. Paul’s case in its context is that living by the Spirit of God will pursue God’s desires without the need of any written law or code or commandments. We will not need a textbook since we have the Spirit of God!

Paul’s message in verses 16 to 18 is that we are to distinguish between things we do and the nature of God. The path ahead for us all is to follow the Spirit rather than anyone or anything else. Pursue the way of the Spirit of God. All other pursuits are worldly and in rebellion to Him.

19-21 The Fruit of the Flesh are…

“The acts of the flesh are obvious…” You can see the flesh in action easily. This is an interesting statement in today’s climate. Is it politically correct to say that impulses that people have are in conflict with God? Is it politically correct to call a sin evil? Paul lists things that are obviously out of sync with the Spirit and he is confident to say that it is easy to pick. Perhaps it is not politically correct to judge people out loud, but we can judge ourselves and discern rebellion in others quite plainly. We can see the rebellion against the Spirit in action clearly.

“The acts of the flesh…” The list which follows contains a fairly obvious list of sin. ‘Debauchery’ or ‘licentiousness’ describes an indulgence in sex or drugs or alcohol. ‘Hatred’, ‘jealousy’ and ‘envy’ all relate to an inward desire for another person’s demise. These are what the desires of the flesh produce and so the word ‘acts’ and ‘fruit’ seem to be working in parallel. The fruit will operate out of instinct and reflex when not put under control while the Spirit will not take control of a person but produce a different kind of action. The person is always performing the acts but some are reacting to their own desires and impulse while the saved are listening to the Spirit.

“…and the like…” The New Testament does not give lists in order for us to make more tablets of commandments. Instead, they are given as examples and illustrations to make a greater point. The point is that the acts of the flesh are obvious. If the Spirit of God is working in you, then it is obvious.

“…those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.” Everybody sins (1 John 1:8-9). But the person walking by the flesh will be characterised by these things. Ephesians 2:8-10 make it clear that we are saved because of what God has done for us in Christ and that he promises to work in us to be like Christ. An unrepentant person will demonstrate their allegiance to the flesh and their rebellion against God. Such a person will not inherit the kingdom of God.

It is possible for a person to be “Christian-ised” and be brought up to reject fleshly things while in the company of others. The Spirit of God, of course, knows the heart of a person and unless they turn to Christ, they too will not inherit the kingdom of God.

22-25 The Fruit of the Spirit

“…the fruit of the Spirit…” See the comment under ‘acts of the flesh’. The Spirit does not act on our behalf but produces fruit in us. Our actions are the result of listening and learning and growing through the Spirit.

“…fruit of the Spirit is…” The list here is in contrast to the acts of the flesh. It is a singular fruit and all of the virtues are to be built up in parallel. 1 Corinthians 13 expounds on the first in the list as an overarching chief of the other items listed.

Love – chooses others first and shows no favouritism (1 Corinthians 13). It is perhaps the best word we have to describe God (1 John 4:8)

Joy – is a gift to those whose names are written in heaven (Luke 10:20)

Peace – is also a gift from God through reconciliation between us and God and between one another (Ephesians 2:14-18)

Patience (forbearance), kindness – demonstrates the nature of God toward sinners (Romans 2:4; 3:25)

Goodness – is what we are saved for (Ephesians 2:10; James 2:17)

Faithfulness – is to stand firm in the faith as well as to be trustworthy (Hebrews 10:23; 3 John 3)

Gentleness – promotes love and graciousness to others (1 Peter 3:15)

Self-control – is a direct response to the gospel of God (Titus 2:11-12) and the road to love (2 Peter 1:5-8)

“Against such things there is no law.” As Paul says in 1 Corinthians 13:8 – love never fails. There are no restrictions or limits to the extent that these virtues can and should go! The law never speaks against love, joy, peace etc. These are all virtues of the Christian life for those who are walking with the Spirit. Each of these are to increase in the Christian as they grow in their trust in God and love of Christ. Furthermore, there is no need for law when the Spirit is obeyed – the law is obsolete when you have the spirit – this is true freedom from the law when we pursue life in the Spirit.

“Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh…” We work in response to the call of the Spirit to put to death the deeds of the flesh. You cannot belong to Christ and not be putting to death the deeds of the flesh. You cannot successfully put to death the deeds of the flesh unless you belong to Christ. The surrender of your life to Christ is more than knowledge of the gospel. It is an ongoing work between you and the Spirit to kill off the desires that are obviously driven by the flesh. Since the flesh and the Spirit are in conflict, we need to destroy what is in conflict with the Spirit. This is the Spiritual warfare that matters first in the Christian life.

“Since we live by the Spirit…” Note that we don’t strive to have the Spirit or gain the Spirit once we put on love and peace etc, but that having the Spirit already, we shall listen to the way of the Spirit of God and be conformed to his will and influence. We do not summon the Spirit to us by doing good work or worship or intense prayer. No, the Spirit is the gift of God to all who believe in and trust the Son of the Father.

“…keep in step with the Spirit.” This is our eternal partnership! We do not live by rules and laws that need legal experts to interpret and find loopholes. Rather, we live by the Spirit who is love, and is patient, and is joy. He knows exactly what to do in every situation and we need to pursue listening to Him and obeying Him.


Christian growth does not concern learning rules, nor keeping traditions, but rather listening to the Spirit of God who lives with us. Two masters are at battle within us, the flesh and the Spirit. They are in conflict with one another and cannot be friends. Feeding the impulses of the flesh works against spiritual growth and is inline with all who are excluded from the kingdom of God. Responding to the Spirit of God is what people in the kingdom do and produces Christian growth. Christian growth is about partnering with the Spirit of God.


  • Topic A: Keeping in step with the Spirit. This involves listening and obeying and discipline. It requires meditation over the word of God to know God and know His Spirit. Many may say that they hear the Spirit of God speak to them when they pray. Even so, how can you discern the difference between the voice of God and your own random thought or even an influence of a lying spirit? We know God by knowing his word. Talk together about how to go about this. Share your own practice of bible reading and prayer. Challenge one another to not simply read the bible but to engage with God continuously.
  • Topic B: Putting to death the deeds of the flesh. What obvious acts of the flesh do you struggle to kill off in your life? This can be a very hard conversation to have in a group, so it may be better to talk in triplets. Pray for one another about these things and be sure to talk not only about what needs to be put to death and how, but also what life giving gifts of the Spirit do we have to combat it. Examples include prayer, love, remembering the promises of God which bring peace and joy.
  • Topic C: Speaking words of the Spirit to one another. Verses 24 and 25 talk about those who belong to Christ and live by the Spirit. When we are together in Growth Group and at church, what conversations can we have to encourage Spiritual growth? Consider how we steer our conversations away from things the flesh is at home with and on to content and manners in step with the Spirit.

Prayer of the Week

Spirit of God, guide us each day to think and act as children of God and heirs to the Kingdom of God. Help us to be conscious of your presence and your desire to shape us as those who belong to Christ Jesus. Give us strength and resolution to put to death the ways of the flesh and give us love, joy and peace in Jesus’ name. Amen.